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This groundbreaking legislation is supported by
Alternate Defense Counsel
Law Professors and Experts
Community Members
Tammy Brady, Attorney for David Bueno
James Castle, Attorney for Alejandro Perez and Sir Mario Owens
Dave Wymore and Maria Liu, Attorneys for Tim Masters
October 29, 2020:
Did You Know: You can vote, even if you have a criminal record?
October 22, 2020:
Did You Know: There are extreme disparities in the Denver Municipal Court system?
In 2019, the Office of the Municipal Public Defender conducted a research study on Denver Municipal Court cases and the effects of poverty, race, and mental illness
On Police & Misconduct
October 19, 2020:
Did You Know: It is legal for police to lie in order to get a confession?
October 9, 2020:
Did You Know: In 73% of wrongful convictions, prosecutors hide useful evidence from the defense?
October 6, 2020:
Did You Know: Prosecutor misconduct contributed to 30% of wrongful convictions?
On Other Community Concerns
September 24, 2020:
Did You Know: Prosecutors use grand juries as a way to act as defense attorneys for cops?
September 18, 2020:
Did You Know: EMTs use an unrecognized disorder, "excited delirium” to justify the use of ketamine, powerful anesthetic that contributed to Elijah McClain's death?
The American Medical Association, the American Psychiatric Association, and the World Health Organization do not recognize “excited delirium” as a disorder, and the diagnosis has been decried as junk science.
On Know Your Rights & Criminal Law
September 10, 2020:
Did You Know: Even if you win, you still have to reimburse the prosecution for the cost of prosecuting you?
September 3, 2020:
Did You Know: Children are policed and arrested when they are trying to learn in schools?
August 6, 2020:
Did You Know: You cannot sue a prosecutor for their misconduct?
Senate Bill 217 eliminated qualified immunity for law enforcement officers, but did not include DAs, who enjoy *absolute* immunity for anything they do as an "advocate."
July, 2020
July 17, 2020: Did You Know: There is no recourse, if a prosecutor bring charges and shouldn't, or doesn't bring charges and should?
July 21, 2020: End Police Violence: CAAPV DEMANDS
July 23, 2020: Did You Know: 10 year olds can be charged with a crime?
July 30, 2020: Did You Know: Colorado Department of Corrections' budget for 2020 was nearly one billion dollars?
June, 2020
June 7, 2020: Our statement regarding community concerns about the June 5th protest.
June 18, 2020: Prosecutors Are Cops, Too. Why do DA elections matter? Prosecutors are not separate from violent cops; they are violent cops.